Effectiveness of the Mindfulness-Based OpenMind-Korea (OM-K) Preschool Program | |
마음인문학연구소2020-02-21 | 페이스북 트위터 구글플러스 이메일 프린트 |
분류 논문 학술지구분 SSCI 논문제목 Effectiveness of the Mindfulness-Based OpenMind-Korea (OM-K) Preschool Program 저자 김은진 외 7인 참여구분 HK교수 저자수 8 학술지명 Mindfulness volume 11, pages 1062–1072(2020) 발행처 Springer US 게재일 2020.2.21 Effectiveness of the Mindfulness-Based OpenMind-Korea (OM-K) Preschool Program
김은진(원광대학교 마음인문학연구소 HK교수)
<요약문> Preschool years provide a window of opportunity to enhance attentional flexibility, increase inhibitory control, build resilience, and strengthen emotion regulation in children. We assessed the effectiveness of a mindfulness-based social-emotional learning program—OpenMind-Korea (OM-K)—on preschool children’s emotion regulation, resilience, and prosocial behaviors. |