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학교폭력의 이해와 예방을 위한 마음인문학적 접근: 마음탐구 프로그램 개발을 중심으로(정혜정)
학교폭력의 이해와 예방을 위한 마음인문학적 접근: 마음탐구 프로그램 개발을 중심으로(정혜정)

분류 논문

학술지구분 등재

논문제목 학교폭력의 이해와 예방을 위한 마음인문학적 접근: 마음탐구 프로그램 개발을 중심으로

저자 정혜정

참여구분 HK연구인력

저자수 1

학술지명 교육철학 제48집

발행처 한국교육철학회

게재일 2012.12.10

학교폭력의 이해와 예방을 위한 마음인문학적 접근: 마음탐구 프로그램 개발을 중심으로

정혜정(원광대학교 마음인문학연구소 HK연구교수)

Approach of Mind-humanistic for the Understanding


Prevention of SchoolViolence: Fucused on the Dvelopment of Mind-study Program

The educational philosophy for the prevention of school violence and school making peace lies to open the way of self-creation and to disappear the rival consciousness from the mind. So this study is approach in mind-humanities to seek the alternative. The fundamental basis of human growth is in mind study.
The school violence typically is applied with student interaction that occurs between the intended physical, emotional behavior around the school. The causes of school violence are inherently attributed to block the correct relationships and to deny the value and the presence of the majority of students, such as environmental factors of school, home, and society.
The school violence is nothing more than the routine that social violence push came to school. In the routine violence of capital and power of society, straggler of school competition is to be socialstraggler. All of our human life is neutered by the collusion of school education and the social mechanism.
In this study I try to make and develope the mind-study for the prevention of school violence in approaching mind humanities. And I want that it is to be utilize in a wide range of character education. The mind-study program is made three phases of it. It is warming up program, main program(seven levels), and assistance Program(four types).

Key words: the prevention of school violence, environmental factors, mind humanities, mind-study program, violence of capital and power of society, straggler of school competition