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Measuring Trait Mindfulness: How to Improve the Precision of the Mindful Attention (장진영 외 5인)
Measuring Trait Mindfulness: How to Improve the Precision of the Mindful Attention (장진영 외 5인)

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학술지구분 SCI/A&HCI급

논문제목 Measuring Trait Mindfulness: How to Improve the Precision of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale Using a Rasch Model

저자 장진영 외 5인

참여구분 HK교수

저자수 6

학술지명 Mindfulness, volume 7, Issue 2

발행처 Springer US

게재일 2016.04.30


Measuring Trait Mindfulness:

How to Improve the Precision of the Mindful  Attention  Awareness Scale Using a Rasch Model

장진영(원광대학교 마음인문학연구소 HK교수)


The Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) is the most widely used mindfulness scale to date, with vali- dation studies indicating acceptable reliability and convergent validity. However, recent evidence indicates that the ability of the MAAS items to precisely discriminate between mindful- ness levels is compromised. To improve item functioning and precision of the MAAS, responses of 250 participants to the scale were subjected to Rasch analysis. To improve disordered thresholds, items were re-scored, and each item was tested for Differential Item Functioning. Where misfit to Rasch model expectations was identified, items were removed and the ef- fect on individual item-fit estimates was tested. Uniform rescoring of all items was the best solution to order thresholds of all items and to improve overall goodness of fit to the Rasch model. Satisfactory model fit was achieved after removing the misfitting items 6 and 15 and combining the locally dependent items 7 and 8. Functioning of MAAS items can be improved substantially by several minor modifications to scoring algo- rithms without the need to modify the current response format. Precision of the instrument can be improved further by using the ordinal-to-interval conversion tables presented here.

Keywords  Mindfulness . Measurement . Mindful Attention and Awareness Scale . Rasch Analysis . Psychometrics